Prjkt 240SX Coupe “Blanche” Interior Clean Up and Corrosion Control

Well, the weekend is here, and Bobby is getting ready to go to the second stage for Blanche which is taking out the current engine, the KA24E and the peripherals, and prepping the engine bay and surrounding areas for the SR20DET blacktop swap. Two weeks ago during the Labor Day weekend, Bobby did a thorough inspection of the interior and the trunk area. Some very mild rust in the boot, especially in the lower lying areas where water had occasionally accumulated. Nothing unusual, and nothing that a good abrasion wheel couldn’t knock out.

After the corrosion work was completed, It was hit with a few coats of primer. No paint was added since Blanche will go for a proper paint job in the future. The key is to stop any corrosion happening now. The interior was given a good cleaning as you can see from the pics. Lastly, the stock driver’s seat was removed and a Buddy Club seat from Prjkt 240SX Mayhem was put in. The interior is missing a few pieces, but those will be sourced as they are found.

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